Estada a la Xina dels alumnes de Batxillerat

Thursday 10th November
The trip is coming to an end. We had a great time together, made new friends and learnt a lot about China and the world.
Greentown Yuhua School we will come back!
Alfonso A.
Wednesday 9th November
We went to visit a Spanish company which had a branch near Shanghai. The curious fact about that Entreprise was that it belonged to Lucas's uncle, who was very pleased to invite us. We really had a great time, which allowed us to know every detail about the basis of a succesful company. We also enjoyed an abundant meal together.
Tuesday 8th November
Today we went to Greentown Football School. The school was incredibly big as all the other schools we went to. The first impression was that they were doing a kind of market were students could buy and sell objects as if it was a real market. After that, we started playing football and we had some matches against a German team, a team from Madrid, from Hong Kong and from New Zealand. It was such and exciting experience to enjoy our favourite Spain sport, football. After that, we had a wonderful lunch in the same school. Then we went back to Greentown Yuhua School and we had free time to enjoy the sports competition Chinese students were having or to buy things in the market that the school was organising too.
Nil M.
Monday 7th November
Today we met at school in the morning as we usually do. There we got on a bus and went to Qinqin's Primary School. We visited all the school and atended the different activities that they had prepared for the International Cultural Festival such as Chinese writing, literature and Chinese traditional dressing. At 12:35 we met in the canteen where we had a buffet lunch with a wide range of foods from all around China. In the afternoon we attended a poetry and choir competition performance. Finally we went back to school where we met our partners.
Mar F. and Jordi T.
Sunday 6th December
This morning we took part in the Opening ceremony of the International Cultural Festival of Greentown Yuhua School with schools from many different countries such as India, Germany, Canada, Australia, Korea, the UK, Singapore...It was a great event, full of amazing performances by some students of the host school. After the celebration we had lunch in one of the school's canteens, which was full of delicious food. In the afternoon, the school prepared a variety of very interesting typical Chinese activities for the guest students such as Chinese painting or thai-chi. At night we were exhausted after such a wonderful day.
Alejandra F. and Mar F.
Saturday 5th November
Our day started at 7:30 in Greentown school. We said goodbye to our partners and we got in the bus that was taking us to Shanghai. After a three-hour trip we started to see the amazing views of the city. First we went to the Oriental Pearl Tower where we had to wait before going to the panoramic view. After the amazing sight we went to Old Shanghai (Town God's Temple), where we had lunch and went for some shopping. Finally we finished our visit at to The Bund where we took some photos of the amazing skyline of Shanghai.
Xavier E.
Friday 4th November
Today it was an amazing day. First we arrived at school and inmediately we went to the West lake by bus.
When we arrived we were very surprised due to the amount of vegetation and good vides. There was a very nice landscape where we made a great amount of photos and we enjoyed a lot the fact of being there.
Then we took a typical Chinese boat and we travelled on the lake from which we saw the mountains which were astonishing. There was a very famous pagoda. At the end of the journey by boat we took the bus back and we headed for a very intresting museum which explains the history of the chinese culture and ceramics.
There was a funny situation when in the path outside the museum there were a lot of school children playing around and as if they saw us as strangers, they started to follow us and ask us for photos.
After that we went to a tea plantation where our guide told us about how tea is taken and prepared from the steam of the tea plant. She also explained about how important tea is for Chinese people and how this affects their daily lives.
We had splendid weather today which was the icing on the cake!
Miquel P.
Thursday 3rd November
Today we all had a great day as it was full of new adventures and discoveries. It started with interesting lessons such as English, badminton or yoga. Then we had lunch and moved into a totally different situation, we visited Hufang Street. The walk through this street was great as we could see different pieces of Chinese culture. The weather helped us to enjoy the trip as today was a sunny and warm day. Hufang Street, apart from showing us the different products, also had a special scent that made us feel more comfortable. In the end, we finished our walk with lots of gifts for our families and also with the happy feeling that it had been a memorable experience.
Jordi T.
2nd November
Today it was the second day that we were going with our partners to Greentown Yuhua School. We tried to study for two hours in the morning to revise work from Barcelona. Next we attended a lesson with our partners. In the third period we all had archery class. We tried our best but we couldn't achieve the same results as the Chinese pupils. After that we went for lunch which was the same as yesterday. Later we went to see an amazing park called Xixi Wetland. This was the old centre of Hangzhou. I found it nicer than I expected. When we left, we had a group photo and some Chinese people approached us to take some photos of us. We are very satisfied because we are learning a lot about Chinese culture.
Lucas V.
1st November
On my first day, I found it easy to wake up at 5:30. When I finally arrived in Greentown Yuhua School , the most remarkable thing for me was the food. I liked it much more than I expected. Something which really surprised me a lot too was the tea ceremony. I really enjoyed learning about the culture of tea. After lunch we headed for the silk market. I personally thought it was very interesting to learn about the importance of silk in this city and to see its people in the streets.
Alfonso A.