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The Baccalaureate is a two-year non-compulsory course for those wishing to go on to higher education. This stage of education is characterised by the progressive construction of a profile of a student who intends to pursue a university education where research and involvement are fundamental in a complex world.

Students should receive an all-round education with knowledge and skills that enable them to continue learning and combine studying and training with a career and other interests.Baccalaureate must encourage lifelong learningThis stage is made up of two academic years, Year 1 and Year 2, and of three different modules: the Science and Technology module, the Social Sciences and Humanities module, and the Artistic module. As this is a non-compulsory stage and of a voluntary nature, we believe that the cornerstones of a pre-university course are freedom, responsibility, commitment, trust and the urge to succeed in their chosen option. This choice will be closely linked to the degree they wish to subsequently take.

Science and Technology module

Social Sciences and Humanities module

Artistic module

In addition to these three modules, our school offers a wide range of itineraries that allow each student to choose different subjects according to their personal interests


We also offer the Dual Baccalaureate, which is a programme that allows our students to get the Spanish and the North American pre-university certificates

What does the school understand by the profile of a future academic, researcher or artist? Which traits do we consider to be essential in their education? Basically, those which are mentioned below, while bearing in mind that this is only a synthesis without details or subtleties.

Intellectual curiosity is essential in a constantly changing and unpredictable world. For this reason, this stage of education must ensure access to the fundamentals of science and technology; the increased sensibility to the arts and literature;Intellectual curiosity is essential in a constantly changing and unpredictable worldthe importance of sport and physical education to favour personal and social development; and, of upmost importance, the practice of reading and writing to continue the social processes of dialogue and mutual understanding and to stimulate one´s imagination by the way of analysis, understanding, discussion, reflection, sensitivity and creativity.

University assumes that students have developed the capacity to rise and to overcome difficulties through the devotion of time, effort and the use of a methodology and technologies appropriate for study. These practices mean a constant increase in decision making which is every day more and more important for a student´s future. Pupils may remain behind in their classrooms after official timetable for study purposes or agreement with a member of the teaching staff so that help or guidance can be given on a more personal basis.

On the other hand, it is important to encourage a critical and responsible attitude to find answers through knowledge and sensitivity in a rich and complex world but which is, at the same time, full of inequalities, biased and conflictive. In the so-called society of information, the capacity to analyse with rigorous objectivity between mere opinion and simply beating the drum for the mass media is more relevant than ever.

Teamwork is another strong point at this stage, whether it be setting yourself questions, speaking to others or even to the world at large. We consider that being demanding on oneself while showing flexibility and respect for others are essential elements for a future professional. Furthermore, we believe that fluency in one's own language, as well as in others, We consider that being demanding with oneself while showing flexibility and respect for others are essential elements for a future professionalis an essential requirement. In a global society, multilingualism is essential and there must be greater awareness for the need of open-mindedness and understanding of other cultural realities, whether real or perceived. Apart from Catalan and Spanish, pupils at Betània-Patmos have a very high level of English and have the opportunity to consolidate the fundamentals of French and/or German. In line with the EICLE Project, the subject of Science for the Contemporary World is given in English.

A solid intellectual education must always maintain close links with the outside world, either through an understanding of the urban landscape encompassing tradition, modernity and diversity; either by establishing connections with universities so as to be informed about establishments of higher education; or, above all, to continue with the idea of finding a gateway to the outside world via conferences, outings, publications, film societies, science clubs or projects on an international dimension such as Model United Nations (MUN), which is a gathering of youngsters from all over the world who debate on International current affairs and who write out draft resolutions which are sent to the United Nations.

In conclusion, the aim is to slowly mould the way in which an individual becomes a respectful free thinker, closely rooted to European culture, against any type of dogmatic authoritarianism and who strongly believes in solving conflicts in a non-violent way so as to construct a world of diversity and free from strife. If not the young and well-educated, who else will take on the leading roles in their future lives?To this end, we listen and back our pupils´ initiatives as we understand education as being a journey with multiple routes where they will undoubtedly be the real interlocutors. If not the young and well-educated, who else will take on the leading roles in their future lives?

The main aim of Baccalaureate in our school is to achieve a balance between a demanding and academic curriculum and unlocking doors to the outside world. Academic rigor converts into a search for excellence when confronting difficulties by way of an investment in effort, time and methodology. Going out into the world intrinsically means accepting its diversity and richness, but also its contradictions and conflicts.

Our collective wish is to empower the future university student, professional and citizen of the world to be a free thinker and take an active part in society as it stands, accepting its richness and its weaknesses, with a commitment to transform and improve it but based on solid moral values and respectful dialogue with others: that is to say, the complex contrasts between intellectual capacity and sensitivity or between academic excellence and human benevolence.


Open classrooms

Should you wish to know more about the Baccalaureate, click here.



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